Thursday, 12 June 2014

Good News From Gasull (Olive Oil Producer)

There has been much deserved publicity lately about the hunting of migrant birds as they fly over the Mediterranean heading north for the breeding season.  Malta has been singled out as perhaps the worst perpetrator, with a varied selection of means of destruction being employed, including reports of harriers being shot on the ground at night dazzled by torchlight and unable to escape.

It is heartening to relate that, in some small way, others are doing their bit for conservation.  Further north in Catalonia where our olive oil is made by Olis Gasull, this environmentally tuned-in producer has been working with the GEPEC group of ecologists to allow the reintroduction of barn owls into their olive groves.  They now have a signed agreement and three barn owls were hatched in the nattily named Centre de recuperació de Fauna Salvatge in Vallcent.  They will remain in captivity in full sight of the olive trees to acclimatise them to their intended future home and will be let out in a month’s time when they are old enough to hunt for themselves.

Gasull's olive groves

Gasull have been following a policy of general sustainability for several years now and pursue agricultural strictures which have eliminated herbicides and reduced the use of pesticides as much as possible.  They see this collaboration with the naturalists as a logical extension of their responsible methods of farming.

Although technically speaking they cannot claim to be organic, the fact is that they are trying harder than many and it is reassuring to know that their delicious olive oil can only benefit further from this laudable policy.

If you have not yet discovered our Gasull Olive Oil now is the time to give it a go.  At £7.20 for a litre, or £35 for a five litre tin of cool pressed, extra virgin, single variety Arbequina olive oil you have a bargain kitchen essential.  You are also supporting a small independent company endeavouring to discharge its environmental and community responsibilities as best it can and make a proven difference in so doing.  Buy Olive Oil here

Arbequina Olives